The problem is that the _time field is exactly the same between events, and there is no way to "sort" it in a logical way. I've created this search as an example: | makeresults | eval _time=now(), broken_message="order, in only one event."
| append
[ | makeresults | eval _time=now(), broken_message="ge it in the correct" ]
| append
[ | makeresults | eval _time=now(), broken_message="events, and I need to mer" ]
| append
[ | makeresults | eval _time=now(), broken_message="in multiple" ]
| append
[ | makeresults | eval _time=now(), broken_message="is broken" ]
| append
[ | makeresults | eval _time=now(), broken_message="This message" ] This is the output: _time broken_message 2022-05-06 12:06:04 order, in only one event. 2022-05-06 12:06:04 ge it in the correct 2022-05-06 12:06:04 events, and I need to mer 2022-05-06 12:06:04 in multiple 2022-05-06 12:06:04 is broken 2022-05-06 12:06:04 This message The way I find to merge the message is this: | eventstats values(broken_message) as message by _time
| mvcombine delim="" message
| table message And this is the result with the wrong order: message This message events, and I need to mer ge it in the correct in multiple is broken order, in only one event. The output of your suggested method is not exactly the same, but it is also disordered: | sort _time
| eventstats list(broken_message) as message by _time
| mvcombine delim="" message
| table message Note that I needed to add "mvcombine" in order to merge the "list" output in a single line. And here is the output: message order, in only one event. ge it in the correct events, and I need to mer in multiple is broken This message So, there is no logical way to sort it in the correct way. That's why my first question was related to the powershell ERROR output in _internal index. I suppose the same happens in every Splunk instance, is not an isolated error. So, Is this a know issue? and if so, is there a workaround for this?
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