Hello, I have calculated my Total Escalations per Quarter using stats count and I would like to include another field to calculate the percentage increase/decrease of Total Escalations per Quarter. My query - | inputlookup Case_Database_v2.csv | rename "Case Number" AS Case_Number | search Role=Support Squad=*CMS* | lookup EAS_Escalations_v1.csv "Case Number" AS Case_Number OUTPUTNEW "Case Number" | rename "Case Number" AS EAS_Case_Number | eventstats dc(Case_Number) as CaseCount by Quarter | stats count(EAS_Case_Number) as Total_Escalations by Quarter, CaseCount | eval EAS_Escalation(Percentage)=round(Distinct_Escalations/CaseCount*100,2) And this shows - Quarter CaseCount Total Escalations Qtr 1 799 315 Qtr 2 889 368 Qtr 3 798 287 Qtr 4 777 220 I would like to calculate the percentage reduction per quarter, for example, Qtr 4 Total Escalations of 220 is a 13.5% reduction on the 287 escalations from Qtr 3. Any help is much appreciated!
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