Hi I have a log like below which is having json FEATURES={ "featureDetails":[ { "featureName":"TOKEN_VALIDATION", "addedIn":"1.0.7", "description":"This feature is used to Validate the JWT token" }, { "featureName":"REQUETS_VALIDATION", "addedIn":"1.0.7", "description":"This feature is used to Validate request URL" }, { "featureName":"REQUEST_PAYLOAD_VALIDATION", "addedIn":"1.0.7", "description":"This feature is used to Validate request body" }, { "featureName":"RESPONSE_PAYLOAD_VALIDATION", "addedIn":"1.0.7", "description":"This feature is used to Validate response body" }, { "featureName":"AOP", "addedIn":"1.0.6", "description":"This feature is used to check method execution time" }, { "featureName":"TIBCO_COMMUNICATOR", "addedIn":"1.0.8", "description":"This feature is used to connect Benefits service " }, { "featureName":"SECRETS_SECURE", "addedIn":"1.0.7", "description":"This feature is used to Validate SECRETS" } ], "versionHistory":[ { "versionNumber":"1.0.0", "featuresAdded":"Common Exception Handling Capability"}, { "versionNumber":"1.0.0", "featuresAdded":"Common Exception Handling Capability"} ] } which is having two array one is featureDetails and naother one is versionHistory i want table like below which should come from versionHistory array versionNumber featuresAdded 1.0.0 Common Exception Handling Capabilit 1.0.0 Common Exception Handling Capability
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