Hi We have multiple automated tests running with different IDs and jenkins build number. One testid, build can have multiple tests too. Each test goes through some stages which are not common across different tests. test1 can have stage a,b,c and test2 can have d,e,f I want to chart duration of these stages for each test over testID/build number e.g. i want to see how duration of stage A for test 1 is changing across different testiD t1, t2, t3 or build b1,b2,b3. I can chart avg duration for stages by test but not across testids/build this is how I do it for avg duration for stages by test: index=dx_campaign_utf_jenkins_console source=job/test-pipeline-perf/* test testId stage
| rex field=_raw "test=(?<test_name>[^\]]*)]"
| rex field=source "job/test-pipeline-perf/(?<build_number>.*)/console"
| stats min(_time) as startTime max(_time) as endTime by test_name, stage, testId, build_number
| eval duration = (endTime-startTime)
| eval duration = if(duration == 0, 1, duration)
| eval duration = duration/60
| chart avg(duration) by test_name, stage I can do it individually for each testname if I search for each and create different chart for each, is it possible to chart stages duration per test per testid using chart and trellis layout? Since test names can change, I don't want to keep my query specific
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