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- Got Karma for Eventhubs - Splunk Add-ON for ms cloud services partitions. 04-23-2021 05:52 PM
- Got Karma for Eventhubs - Splunk Add-ON for ms cloud services partitions. 04-09-2021 03:45 AM
- Posted Querying Events in Splunk for MS vs MS Add-on for splunk on Splunk Search. 04-01-2021 12:18 PM
- Tagged Querying Events in Splunk for MS vs MS Add-on for splunk on Splunk Search. 04-01-2021 12:18 PM
- Posted Eventhubs - Splunk Add-ON for ms cloud services partitions on Getting Data In. 03-21-2021 06:26 PM
- Posted Splunk and Azure SQL audit via Event Hub on Splunk Search. 03-17-2021 06:03 PM
- Tagged Splunk and Azure SQL audit via Event Hub on Splunk Search. 03-17-2021 06:03 PM
- Posted Alert on Duplicate IPs with detail on Splunk Search. 03-14-2021 09:32 AM
- Tagged Alert on Duplicate IPs with detail on Splunk Search. 03-14-2021 09:32 AM
- Tagged Alert on Duplicate IPs with detail on Splunk Search. 03-14-2021 09:32 AM
- Tagged Alert on Duplicate IPs with detail on Splunk Search. 03-14-2021 09:32 AM
- Posted Event Hubs - JSON data and limiting data. on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-24-2020 02:52 PM
- Tagged Event Hubs - JSON data and limiting data. on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-24-2020 02:52 PM
- Posted Re: Limiting ingested fields in Azure Event Hubs on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-12-2020 09:02 AM
- Karma Re: Limiting ingested fields in Azure Event Hubs for richgalloway. 08-12-2020 09:02 AM
- Tagged Re: Limiting ingested fields in Azure Event Hubs on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-12-2020 09:02 AM
- Posted Re: Limiting ingested fields in Azure Event Hubs on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-10-2020 01:47 PM
- Tagged Re: Limiting ingested fields in Azure Event Hubs on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-10-2020 01:47 PM
- Posted Limiting ingested fields in Azure Event Hubs on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-10-2020 12:38 PM
- Tagged Limiting ingested fields in Azure Event Hubs on All Apps and Add-ons. 08-10-2020 12:38 PM
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12:18 PM
I'm sending data from Azure SQL via event hub. Been using the MS add on for splunk, which as been working pretty well, but as its EOL, trying the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloud Services. First thing i noticed is how different the logs are stored. MS Add-on json is clear. properties.server_principal_name, properties.statement Splunk add on for MS cloud services: 2 -4 records for each event. Takes 20=30 seconds to render in a search (index=sql). records{}.properties.server_principal_name, records{}.properties.statement. each one will have 2-4 values in it (SQLUSER, WEBUSER, OPSUSER). Strange thing is there will be 2-4 statments or other fields (records{}.properties.succeeded (true,true, true,true). wHy 3 users and 4 success? I'm trying to query this thing to get certain traffic such as records{}.properties.server_principal_name="webuser" | table records{}.properties.statement and all records returned but the statements returned are multiple, or simply not statements from WEBUSER. My source is correct for audit logs mcsc:azure:eventhub Is this the way is supposed to act and if so, can i get any pointers on how to spath query this thing working given if i wanted only statements from WEBUSER and that could be the 0,1,2,3 element in a nest on each event?
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- Tags:
- event hub
- Labels:
06:26 PM
2 Karma
I was using the MS Azure add-on for splunk. Trying to switch to Splunk Add-on for MS cloud services. One thing i noticed is that the event hub i was using is appending event hub events into the same splunk event. Ie, instead of 8 events in Event Hub, and 8 events in splunk (which i saw in ms azure add-on for splunk), I get 2 events of 4 body.records[].service_principal_name. The # of appended events is related to the # of partitiions, however, this thing doesn't seem to work w/ 1 partition. Keep getting can not find partition 0 of 0 when the eventhub is 1 partition. Formatting is TERRIBLE and it takes 30 seconds to render the 1st record in a search since raw so large. Any ideas what's going on here? This supposed to be by design?
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- Labels:
heavy forwarder
06:03 PM
I'm not sure how to even troubleshoot this. A few weeks ago, we started a dropoff in events into splunk. We are sending Azure SQL Server audit logs via event hub picked up by Azure Add-on for Splunk. our traffic has NOT changed. Our HF has not changed. I can't see my activity anymore (a month ago i saw everything I did). Now, i have no visibility to my traffic. I am seeing traffic from web servers and some other users, but not sure i trust it now. There has been a drop off in events. What can I do to troubleshoot what is going on here? I can turn on verbose logging, but since i can't throttle or specify what is getting logged (server log, not db log), it would be 000s of messages in a very heavily used database.
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- Tags:
- event hub
- Labels:
search job inspector
09:32 AM
I'm trying to produce an alert based on a user logged in w/ 2 ips within 10 minutes. I have a way to determine if they have it, however, i would like to see the IPS addresses they had in the alert. How can i achieve this? The following will trigger, but need to see the ips as well. index="w3logs" earliest = -10m | eval tempx = split(X_Forwarded_For,",") | eval ip=mvindex(tempx,0) | stats dc(ip) as dup by cs_username | where dup > 1
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- Labels:
02:52 PM
I'm using the Microsoft Azure add on for splunk to read from event hub in Azure. I am using Splunk cloud and a heavy fowarder in Azure.
Two Problems,
1st. The data showing up is one big field of JSON. I've tried to extract in splunk cloud, but its getting mangled.
2nd. Can i limit this. 75% of my fields are useless and and taking up space.
Can anyone help me out with either issue?
I am using a heavy fwd'r. Splunk support does tell me to use spath. But how do i do this in parsing event hub data? Do i need different addon?
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- Labels:
09:02 AM
Thank you, much appreciated.
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- Tags:
- than
01:47 PM
Thanks for the info. can i discard or manipulate fields in an event. I'm going to speak logstash here and mutate to delete "reallybigfieldIdon'tcareabout"
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- Tags:
- fo.
12:38 PM
I"d like to send audit data through an event hub. However, i want my heavy fwd'r to not send all fields to splunk as 75% of is will be useless and take up all my ingesting quota. Is there an easy way to do this? The data coming in is Azure SQL where i don't beleive i can change data going into the hub.
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- Tags:
- azure event hub sql
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05:12 AM
Hello, I am curious if you have found another way to accomplish this. For us, going through audit functions to a blob storage on a heavily used azure sql database is beyond painful and completely impractical.
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01:13 PM
Has anyone had luck gathering and ingesting SQL Azure Audit logs from a blob storage? I've seen articles on azure AD, and on NON-Azure SQL from a drive letter, but looking for something specific on loading up those pesky eml files from blob (or should i be doing something else to get the data into splunk?).
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- Tags:
- azure sql audit
- Labels:
heavy forwarder