@to4kawa - I tested this out and it appears to work! However it is very difficult to read. I had table, sort, and rename syntax in before (that I didn't provide in the searches I previously gave you) can this be added to make everything easier to read? See below for my original searches including the table, sort, and rename syntax that was missing....
1: source=WinRegistry key_path="HKLM\sam" OR key_path="HKLM\security" OR registry_key_name=sam OR registry_key_name=security user=svchost.exe | sort -_time | table _time, host, user, process_image, registry_path, registry_key_name, registry_type | rename registry_path AS "Registry Path" registry_key_name AS "Registry Key Name" registry_type AS "Registry Type" host AS "Host" user AS "User" process_image AS "Process Image"
2: host=$host$ EventCode=4672 Account_Name!="dmon40" Account_Name!="dmon45" | sort -_time | table _time, Account_Name, Account_Domain, Security_ID, subject
3: host=$host$ EventCode=4624 Logon_Type=3 Authentication_Package!=Kerberos |sort -_time | table _time, src user host, ,EventCode,Logon_Type,Authentication_Package,Logon_Process,signature | rename src AS "IP Source" host AS "Destination Machine" user AS "Account used in Source"
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