@gcusello Yes exactly, I use it. This is my full search.. host="SPL-SH-DC" sourcetype="ABCSW" NOT Severity IN (Info,Low) NOT Port IN (6502,8089,8001) NOT "Plugin Name" IN ("SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname","SSL Self-Signed Certificate","SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted") | lookup ABCDEFGServerInventory.csv IP_Address as "IP Address" output Host_Name, System_Type | eval days_since = floor((now() - _time) / 86400) | eval Pending_since = case(days_since == 0, "Today", days_since < 30, "Pending (< 30 days)", days_since > 45, "Pending ( > 45 days)", days_since > 30, "Pending ( 30>Days<45 )", days_since < 45, "Pending ( 30>Days<45 )", days_since > 1, days_since . " Days") | stats values(*) as * by "IP Address",Plugin,"Plugin Name",Severity,Protocol,Port,Exploit | eval status = case(mvcount(source)>1,"Pending", source=="ABCDEFGSW26062022.csv","Fixed", true(), "New Vulnerable") | search "IP Address" IN ("1........,...................................") "Plugin Name" != "OpenSSH S/KEY Authentication Account Enumeration" "Plugin Name" != "OPIE w/ OpenSSH Account Enumeration" "Plugin Name" != "OpenSSH >= 2.3.0 AllowTcpForwarding Port Bouncing" "Plugin Name" != "OpenSSH PCI Disputed Vulnerabilities." "Plugin Name" != "TLS Version 1.1 Protocol Deprecated" (Port ="8443" OR Port="8444") | table "IP Address",Host_Name,"Plugin Name",Severity,Protocol,Port,Exploit,System_Type,Synopsis,Description,Solution,"See Also","CVSS V2 Base Score",CVE,Plugin,status,Pending_since,source
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