I'd like to have some opinions on the following search. We're not thrilled with it's performance, and I'm sure theres a lot of potential to improve it.
What is the search supposed to do: This is a kind of "service check", on each server we're checking CPU, memory and the disk space. The data comes from different indexes, needs different result calculation and so on. So our approach was to use append quite heavily, basically constructing different searches with the same result fields, that we could combine and put into the same table. The search is limited to look only for data within the last 5 minutes. It is used within an app that uses the Javascript framework, all $parameters$ defaulting to "*".
The search inspector says "This search has completed and has returned 19 results by scanning 25,204 events in 85.338 seconds." The components taking the most time are:
1. dispatch.evaluate.append
2. command.transaction
3. command.search
4. dispatch.stream.remote
5. dispatch.fetch
Any general remarks or hints on inspection and improvement strategies for searches are highly appreciated. Thanks!
There it is (I cut a lot of evals):
search host="$filterHost$" host_category="build-servers" host_group="$filterHostGroup$" index="perfmon" (object="LogicalDisk" (instance = "C:" OR instance ="D:") (counter="% Free Space" OR counter="Free Megabytes")) OR (object="Processor" counter="% Processor Time" instance="_Total")
| 2x eval ..
| eval transactionKey="" + host + ":" + instance + ":" + _time
| transaction maxevents=4 transactionKey
| eval dedupKey=host + ":" + instance
| dedup dedupKey sortby -_time
| 12x eval
| append [
search host="$filterHost$" host_category="build-servers" host_group="$filterHostGroup$" index=perfmon sourcetype="base_pagefile"
| dedup host sortby -_time
| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "AllocatedBaseSize=(?<alloc>.*)"
| rex max_match=0 field=_raw "CurrentUsage=(?<usage>.*)"
| eval tmpCounter=mvcount(alloc)
| stats max(tmpCounter) sum(alloc) as Total, sum(usage) as Used by _time, host
| 9x eval
| append [
search index="os" host="$filterHost$" host_category="build-servers" host_group="$filterHostGroup$"
(source=df (MountedOn=/ OR MountedOn=/tmp OR MountedOn=/data OR MountedOn=/net/x OR MountedOn=/mnt/y OR MountedOn=/mnt/z OR MountedOn=/mnt/w))
OR (source=cpu CPU="all")
OR (sourcetype="vmstat")
| eval 2x
| dedup dedupKey sortby -_time
| 14x eval
| append [
search index="perfmon" sourcetype="base_systeminfo" host="$filterHost$" host_category="build-servers" host_group="$filterHostGroup$"
| dedup host sortby -_time
| eval 9x
| search $filterStatus$ service="$filterService$"
| eval statusNumber=case(status=="CRITICAL", 0, status=="WARNING", 1, status=="OK", 2)
| sort statusNumber -host, -service
| eval "Last Check"=strftime(_time, "%F %T")
| rename host as "Host" service as "Service" status as "Status" value AS "Description"
| table Host Service Status "Description" "Last Check"
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