Hi @pramaswamy,
Unfortunately the treemap itself doesn't support the level of drilldown customization you're looking for. But, you can integrate the treemap into custom dashboard drilldown logic just like with any other visualization. I think this will get you started (I did my best to match the sample data you provided, but you might have to make some tweaks):
<label>Treemap Custom Drilldown</label>
<viz type="treemap_app.treemap">
<query>source="..." earliest=-24h | stats sum(waitTime) by Server, ServerType</query>
<set token="Server">$row.Server$</set>
<set token="ServerType">$row.ServerType$</set>
<panel depends="$Server$,$ServerType$">
<viz type="treemap_app.treemap">
<query>source="..." earliest=-24h Server="$Server$" ServerType="$ServerType$" | stats sum(waitTime) by arrayType, waitClassMetric</query>
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