Hello Splunkers I have an IIS log I need to open and search through every 15 minutes. If I see 10 consecutive occurences of the field ErorrCode= within a five minute period I want to trigger an alert. ErrorCode= Will be populated with different error codes like this ErrorCode=T1234. I dont want to count individual error codes just the field ErrorCode. I have been able to seach for occurences using alerts but the requirement if that they have to be consecutive occurences. Here is an example snippet ErrorCode can return several different values. We dont care about the individual codes we just want to trigger when the term ErrorCode appears in 10 consecutive lines of the log during a time window of 5 minutes LogTypeID="x", InfoSourceID="x", ErrorText="xxxxxxxx", ErrorCode="XXXXXX", ErrorDescription="xxxxxxxx", IISServerName="xxxxxx", CreatedDate="2020-08-14 10:19:34.557", CreatedBy="xxxxxx", MemberShipID="xxxxxx", RegisterRequestTime="2020-08-14 10:16:06.0", AppCode="xxxxxx", InvalidAppCode="xxxxxx," any help would be appreciated thanks John
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