I need to sum up the time differential for two events on a date_hour, date_wday, and date_month basis. Originally I used the join command to accomplish this until I realized events were being dropped.
I changed my query to remove the command and am currently working with this
index=default source=mysql-pipe sourcetype=pipeline_logs ((message="bank** processing" OR message="bank** decompression complete") AND (msg_type="BEGIN" OR msg_type="INFO"))
| eval temp1=split(message, " ")
| eval bank=mvindex(temp1, 0)
| eval run_id_bank=run_name.".".tag_value.".".bank
| eval stime=strptime(time_at,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval temp=date_hour."##".run_id_bank | chart values(stime) over temp by msg_type
| eval TimeDiff=(INFO-BEGIN)/3600
| eval date_month=mvindex(split(temp,"##"),0)
| stats sum(TimeDiff) AS Sum by date_hour
Each run has 16 different banks which need to be differentiated. The issue I'm running into is when the decompression and processing occur in a different hour (or wday/month) then the differential won't be taken. This can be solved by charting over run_id_bank but then I lose the date_hour timestamp. Is there a way to do the calculation but retain the date_hour from the BEGIN (only occurs for processing) to do a summation?
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