| makeresults
| eval DVN="201",Region="SAM",Name="Shapes",Count="20010"
| append
[| makeresults
| eval DVN="201",Region="SAM",Name="Points",Count="24218"]
| append
[| makeresults
| eval DVN="202",Region="SAM",Name="Shapes",Count="20102"]
| append
[| makeresults
| eval DVN="202",Region="SAM",Name="Points",Count="23231"]
| table DVN, Region, Name, Count
| stats dc(DVN) as dc_DVN values(*) as * by Name
| search dc_DVN>1
| eval count1=mvindex(Count,0), count2=mvindex(Count,1), diff=abs('count1'-'count2')
Everything before the table command, was just to give me the same result set to work with as you . Then I merged the results that shared a name and took a distinct count of DVN so I could eliminate results that weren't duplicates (although there weren't any in this data set). My search dc_DVN>1 eliminates items that don't have multiple DVNs.
Then my evals were just for doing the math to find the difference. Hopefully this works for your use case or gives you a good starting point!
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