guys, anyone can help me. i have problem with my splunk cannot run since i have upgrade my mac os sierra to mac os high sierra 10.13
there are message :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/zakaria/Documents/splunk-old/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/clilib/", line 17, in
import splunk.clilib.cli_common as comm
File "/Users/zakaria/Documents/splunk-old/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/clilib/", line 10, in
from xml.sax import saxutils
File "/Users/zakaria/Documents/splunk-old/lib/python2.7/xml/sax/", line 6, in
import os, urlparse, urllib, types
File "/Users/zakaria/Documents/splunk-old/lib/python2.7/", line 1440, in
from _scproxy import _get_proxy_settings, _get_proxies
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/zakaria/Documents/splunk-old/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/, 2): Symbol not found: _inflateValidate
Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
Expected in: /Users/zakaria/Documents/splunk-old/lib/libz.1.dylib
in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
i have add to my splunk-launch.cof OPTIMISTIC_ABOUT_FILE_LOCKING = 1
but still doesn't work. anyone can hel me? thanks
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