I am using a csv file to input data in my local Splunk Enterprise.
I have a very big csv file that is around 100mb.
The data in my csv file contains the following count of events:
January: 36,055
February: 37,613
March: 41,521
April: 33,697
May : 39,980
June: 36,994
July: 31,963
After loading the data into Splunk, the data in Splunk contains the following count of events:
January: 29,416
February: 32,042
March: 37,516
April: 33,458
May : 39,975
June: 15,935
July: 22,766
Note: My index usage is only 243MB/488.28GB
I tried cutting my csv file to only May June and July data and uploaded it to Splunk.
csv count:
May : 39,980
June: 36,994
July: 31,963
Splunk count:
May : 39,980
June: 36,994
July: 31,963
So this means I have no problem with the formatting of the timestamp in my csv file.
Could you help me find the configuration that causes this truncation?
or atleast help me on how to investigate it?
I will appreciate any response regarding the matter.
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