Based on the above search, how do I join below two searches and return the following within same SingleValue
If "ConnectionStatus" is "On" and "Events" is "0" , display "No Errors" with low range
If "ConnectionStatus" is "On" and "Events" is greater than "0" , display "Warning" with elevated range
If "ConnectionStatus" is NOT "On" and "Events" is greater than "0" , display "Error" with severe range
index=xxx sourcetype="ConnectionStatus" State!="On" |stats first(State) as State | stats count | appendpipe [ stats count | eval Status="Up" | where count==0 ] | eval Status=if(count==0,"Up","Down") | eval range = if(Status=="No Errors","low","severe")
index=yyy sourcetype="Events" Type!=Information (EventCode>="3012" AND EventCode<="3054") | stats count | eval StateBool = if (count==0, 0, 1) | eval Status=if(count==0,"No Errors","Warning") | rangemap field=StateBool low=0-0 elevated=1-1 | table Status range
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