I'm running a query to label memory thresholds for our app clusters, I would like to create a field called "eff_mem_threshold" based off the number of blades app name. But for the life of me I can't figure out why this case statement isn't working. What I mean is that it only returns the eff_mem_threshold value of the first pair for each app and blade count. I've added an example below the case statement Case statement query|eval eff_mem_threshold =case(APP_NAME="EXCH_AD" and Blades<=5, 40,APP_NAME="EXCH_AD" and Blades>=17,46,APP_NAME="EXCH_AD" and Blades>=6 and Blades<=16,44,APP_NAME="VCO" and Blades<=5, 56,APP_NAME="VCO" and Blades>=17,64,APP_NAME="VCO" and Blades>=6 and Blades<=16,61,APP_NAME="SQL" and Blades<=5, 68,APP_NAME="SQL" and Blades>=17,78,APP_NAME="SQL" and Blades>=6 and Blades<=16,74) what I see APP_NAME Blades eff_mem_threshold EXCH_AD 15 40 EXCH_AD 4 40 SQL 17 68 SQL 9 68 VCO 17 56 VCO 4 56 What I'd want to see APP_NAME Blades eff_mem_threshold EXCH_AD 15 44 EXCH_AD 4 40 SQL 17 64 SQL 9 61 VCO 78 56 VCO 4 56
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