If the roles field is a multivalue field, which is what it looks like, one solution would be to add another stats command at the end of your search. This example takes your original "stats count" results and sums them up with the roles you mentioned evaled to the Employee role (of course you should double check the names of the roles in this example).
index=pulsesecure vendor_action=Closed OR vendor_action=ended OR vendor_action=succeeded OR "Logout" OR "Max session timeout" OR vendor_action=started
| eval user = user. " " . src_ip
| sort -_time
| table user, roles, vendor_action, action, _time, src_ip
| dedup user
| search vendor_action=succeeded OR vendor_action=started
| stats count(user) as count by roles
| rename roles as role
| eval role = case(role=="Research","Employee",role=="Administrator","Employee",1==1,role)
| stats sum(count) as count by role
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