I want to setup an alert if the job is not running on particular day,
Ex: JOB=ABC123 dint run today i have setup cron to check between 1-2:15 if it is not running in the mentioned time period, Alert should be triggered.
index=abc source=ABC (JOB="AB123" OR JOB="CD345") STATUS="Missed"
| eval "Execution_Time" = strftime(_time,"%I:%M %p")
|stats latest(JOB_END_TIME) as END_TIME latest(STATUS) as STATUS values(JOB) as JOB by Execution_Time
| eval TC1=if((JOB="AB123" AND Execution_Time>"02:15 AM") OR STATUS="Missed",1,0)
| eval TC2=if((JOB_NAME="CD345" AND Execution_Time>"02:10 AM") OR STATUS="Missed",1,0)
| eval Desc=case(TC1="1","Triggering for JOB 123 Failed", TC2="1","Triggering for JOB 234 Failed", 1=1,0)
|search TC1=1 OR TC2=1
|table JOB Desc Execution_Time
Also "Desc" is displaying only "Triggering for JOB 123 Failed" though TC2=1 matches
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