So, I'm trying to run DB queries with the Splunk DB Connect app inside of the eval "case" function. So, something like this:
index=eph | rex "(?P<Type>PaymentInstruction)"| rex "(?P<Type>OPIC)" | rex "(?P<EPHID>EPH\d+)"
| eval EPHID = case( isnull(Type), EPHID, Type == "PaymentInstruction", dbquery "mysql" "SELECT DISPLAYTRANSACTIONID FROM XXXX WHERE paymentinstructionkey = 'EntityKey'", Type == "OPIC", dbquery "mysql" "SELECT DISPLAYTRANSACTIONID FROM XXXX WHERE opickey='EntityKey'")
| table EPHID Type _raw
So if the event has a Type, I want to query the database to get its EPHID and plug it into the table to completely fill the table. However, I keep getting the following issue:
"Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. Expected )."
Any ideas?? Thanks!!!
Note, this search works properly:
index=eph sourcetype=websphere_trlog_sysout AND ("*EPH14*" OR "*Entitykey*") AND (`EPH-HPOV-Keyword` OR EPH-alerts) | rex
"EDT] (?P<TaskID>\w{8})" | where TaskID != "" | rex "Entity Key: (?P<EntityKey>\d+)" | rex "entityKey=(?P<EntityKey>\d+.\d+.\d+)"
| rex "EntityKey:(?P<EntityKey>\d+)" | rex "(?P<EPHID>EPH\d+)" | rex "(?P<Type>PaymentInstruction)"| rex "(?P<Type>OPIC)" |convert ctime(_time) as timestamp
| eval EPHID = case( isnull(Type), EPHID, Type == "PaymentInstruction", "PI", Type = "OPIC", "OP")
| table EntityKey EPHID TaskID Type timestamp _raw
So I don't think that passing fields is the issue. It must be something with the DB query clause.
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