Hello all,
I am fairly new to the Splunk Community and have been learning a lot over the past few weeks. Currently, my team is building a dashboard based on sensor data that can help us tune our sensors further.
Essentially, we are creating a line chart for each sensor IP address (using trellis if that helps) based on the count (of seeing this sensor) every 5 minutes or so using bins and charts. We currently have standard deviation lines based on each count with some sensitivity. The idea is that we have a window between the two lines. This is demonstrating some "normal" traffic. This will help us show outliers and could give us some different insight over time (we would like to eventually be able to compare this data with much earlier data).
In any case, I am having trouble outlining the outliers that are clearly represented in the chart that is shown. And my line in the search to identify outliers just identifies them all as outliers which is incorrect... I'm unsure of what I am doing wrong and also see how much of a pain it is the track count over time as a variable and be able to do things with it (such as the outliers) and such.
A side issue is that when the count is 0 (meaning the sensor didn't show up) the standard deviation line also is just missing represented with a null value. Anyway, I can make the graph look prettier and have it just go along with the rest of the line?
So, questions are as follow:
- How can I clearly show the outliers? Highlight them? Maybe even color in the area under or over between the outlier and standard deviation line?
- How can I fix my standard deviation line so there isn't blanks?
index=networkdata sourcetype=json
| bin _time span=5m
| eventstats count(seen.indicator) as "Count" by seen.indicator _time
| eventstats avg(Count) as "newAVG" by seen.indicator
| eventstats stdev(Count) as "newSTD" by seen.indicator
| eval upper = newAVG+(newSTD*1.5)
| eval lower = newAVG-(newSTD*1.5)
| eval isOutlier=if("Count" < lower OR "Count" > upper, 1, 0)
| chart count(seen.indicator) as CON, eval(values(upper)) as upperl, eval(values(lower)) as lowerl over _time by seen.indicator
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