Each call is a new file and sometimes there can be multiuple connIDs within one log depending on if the call has been transferred to another person. Here's an example of that.
07:29:13.4760 [0] distribute_event: message EventQueued
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000007895R
TimeinuSecs 235689
TimeinSecs xxxxxxxxxx (07:29:13)
Extensions [XX] 00 00 00 00..
'UCID' bin: 12 c5 12 63.. (len=8)
OtherDNRole 1
OtherDN '7895230001'
ThisDNRole 2
ThisDN '1234567'
ThisTrunk 14526987
ANI '12356984'
DNIS '4568912'
CallUUID 'ABCD236JO45F22SQH17MODKE789652310'
ConnID 23a74523f123e63b
CallID 14292
PropagatedCallType 2
CallType 2
NetworkCallID 4563289745
ThisQueue '1234567'
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeThisDN 'ex'
ConnID 45632897abdh17r1
OtherDN '4459862'
XRouteType 0
AttributeUserData [xxxx] 00 00 00 00..
'CU_ACT_TY' '1'
'CU_HH_SVC_LVL' '89'
'CU_MLD' 'Y'
'CU_COE' 'Y'
'CU_EMP' '0'
'CU_SEG' '894'
'CU_CLIENTID' '98Z56S78'
'CU_ACT' '98Z56S78'
'CU_XFERCODE' 'ServiceAssociate'
'CU_DNIS_TEST' '5664123823'
'CU_ACT_OPENDATE' '74522369'
'CU_AUTHID' '0000'
'CU_EPI' '452361475223'
'CU_ENTITY_CD' '111'
'CU_TT' 'N'
'CU_1ST_CID' '5ASD0E64-H39K-56W2-5698-145674H1JAL7'
'CU_ANI' '569966245674'
'CU_DNIS' '7895620530'
'ReqType' '3'
'SessionId' '5ASD0E64-H39K-56W2-5698-145674H1JAL7'
'ICRName' 'TellMe'
'CU_FUNCTION' 'FAExtension'
'CU_LANGUAGE' 'English'
'CU_EPI_TY' 'EnterprisePartyId'
'CU_BRANCHNUMBER' '0000000000'
'CU_REQFSA_ACDID' '0000000'
'CU_REQFSA_NTID' '0000000'
'CU_IVR_CALL_ID' 'jekd7sk6aswk7fhabe5d2kl6'
'RoutePoint' '0000'
'DialedNumber' '0000'
'CU_RP' '0000'
'CU_CONN_ID' '1289652314LKOP15'
'RVQID' ''
'LBR_TS' '452367895'
'LBR_SNUM' '63'
'RTargetTypeSelected' '4'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTenant' 'Resources'
'RStrategyName' 'xxxx_MAIN'
'RStrategyDBID' '785'
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
AttributeExtensions [45] 00 00 00 00..
AttributeReferenceID 8956
So basically what I need to create is a dashboard that can be used to search with any given ConnID and it should display the Event name, Event timestamp, DNIS, ANI, CallType, CallUID, UserData (if any, could be listed). I am not exactly sure how to go about this since this is my first time using Splunk. Really appreciate your help!
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