We created an application (mostly Javascript, with a proxy server for communicating to Splunk) that, while running outside of Splunk, accesses Splunk Enterprise data and displays Splunkjs visualizations (using the docs at https://dev.splunk.com/enterprise/docs/developapps/visualizedata/usesplunkjsstack/ ). Unfortunately we seem to be running into load-related issues when several users simultaneously access it, as follows:
1 - Incomplete chart displays ('waiting for data' forever) in a couple of charts that happen to depend on the completion of saved searches for their own (post process) search to get started.
2 - Other times, this error appears in the Javascript console and none of the charts load:
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: splunkjs/ready!_unnormalized2,splunkjs/ready!http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout at makeError (eval at module.exports (config.js:138), <anonymous>:166:17) at checkLoaded (eval at module.exports (config.js:138), <anonymous>:692:23) at eval (eval at module.exports (config.js:138), <anonymous>:713:25)
NOTE: these issues don’t come up unless there are various simultaneous (10 or so is all that it requires) loads of the application, which is why we are theorizing that they are load-related issues. In addition, our Splunk admin was present when we tested this app, and he did not see the relevant limits being reached on the back end (e.g. number of simultaneous searches, space used by the single service user employed in this application) .
Could somebody please advise on what could be happening? Are there limitations specific to the Splunkjs stack that we should be aware of?
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