I am sending "pan:traffic" logs from our Palo Alto 3050 firewall to Splunk. I want the "_time" fields to be the same value as the "start_time" field when the log line contains "start" and use the time stamp that follows "PA-3050 1," when the log line contains "end"
Is it possible to do different time stamps for events in the same source-type "pan:traffic" ? I've bolded the time stamps I want to use for each in the samples below:
Sample start log line:
Feb 14 09:07:25 PA-3050 1,2017/02/14 09:07:25,001701007055,TRAFFIC,start,0,2017/02/14 09:07:25,,,,,User-to-Ext-Allow-DLP,domain\user,,web-browsing,vsys1,trust,untrust,ethernet1/2,ethernet1/1,LF-LOG-ALLOW,2017/02/14 09:07:25,55537,1,58861,80,0,0,0x0,tcp,allow,740,678,62,4,2017/02/14 09:07:24,0,any,0,442739216,0x0,,US,0,3,1,n/a,0,0,0,0,,PA-3050,from-policy
Sample end log line:
Feb 14 10:21:25 PA-3050 1,2017/02/14 10:21:24,001701007055,TRAFFIC,end,0,2017/02/14 10:21:24,,,,,IntDC-to-ExtDNS,,,dns,vsys1,trust,untrust,ethernet1/2,ethernet1/1,LF-LOG-ALLOW,2017/02/14 10:21:24,256848,1,50770,53,0,0,0x19,udp,allow,842,85,757,2,2017/02/14 10:20:52,30,any,0,443053418,0x0,,US,0,1,1,aged-out,0,0,0,0,,PA-3050,from-policy
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