You can use the streamstats command with time_window instead of stats.
Try this:
index=perfmon sourcetype="Perfmon:CPU" counter="% Processor Time" instance=_Total
| sort 0 _time
| streamstats time_window=15min avg(cpu_load_percent) as last15min_load count by host
| eval last15min_load = if(count < 18,null,round(last15min_load, 2))
| WHERE(last15min_load >= 97)
| table host, _time, cpu_load_percent, last15min_load, count
The streamstats command checks events of the last 15 min (by host) and calculates load average.
Furthermore it yields the count of events for use in the next eval command.
The eval line checks if event count is higher than 18 to make sure there are enough logged events for average calculation.
Otherwise you will get alerts at every reboot as there will be only 1 event with high load.
I took 18, because thats the event count I get within 3min from one host (1 event / 10sec ).
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