I'm trying to calculate the amount of concurrent calls per minute or another time span (e.g. 5 minutes, ...). I'm using the concurrency function to achieve that. There's one problem though: The function only considers events to calculate the amount of concurrent calls but I would like to sample every minute.
My json records contain a _time and a call_duration. My current query looks as follows
index=myIndex source=test11 | fields + call_duration | fields - _raw | concurrency duration=call_duration | timechart max(concurrency) as "Simultaneous calls" span=1m
The data is as follows:
The resulting chart:
The concurrent calls from 7:10:00 to 7:11:00 would be 1 but are shown as 2, because no event occurs during that time. I can't add fake events because then there would be 1 call at that time. So is there a possibility to sample every minute with the concurrency call?
The same effect happens from 7:20 to 7:30. There is only 1 call at that time but the graph shows 2, because of the surrounding data points.
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