I have many different but simultaneous metrics that I am graphing over time. The y axis for each have different ranges. (0 to a million or 30% to 70% or whatever) but the time (x axis) is concurrent for all.
I want to put these charts in a dashboard, vertically stacked, and have the timescales for each match up exactly.
Some things I have tried that don't quite work:
Multi-series mode: This forces me to choose one chart format for each, but I need some to be lines, some to be bar charts, and some to be bubble charts.
Chart overlay: This is fine for two series, but I have many.
Creating one big table and then just field - away the ones I don't care about about for each panel. This is tedious and I have not gotten consistent results. Also, the search for the report becomes complex as I have multiple indexes, sources and sourcetypes for each time series. Ideally each search could run independent but share a single timescale for the entire dashboard.
I have seen tools like Grafana do this easily. I don't need the shared crosshair like Grafana does, but I do need a shared timescale.
Surely there is a way to do this with Splunk and I am just ignorant.
Please help!
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