Epoch/Unix times are always in UTC.
When I use convert
to create a human readable time, the timezone ( %Z
) is somehow incorrect for some sourcetypes but correct for others.
I realize the timezone on those sourcetypes may be incorrect, but then the epoch time should reflect that.
<base search>
| stats latest(_time) as latest_epoch earliest(_time) as earliest_epoch by sourcetype
| convert timeformat="%x %X %Z" ctime(latest_epoch) AS latest_human
| convert timeformat="%x %X %Z" ctime(earliest_epoch) AS earliest_human
This results in
sourcetype latest_epoch earliest_epoch earliest_human latest_human
1 sourcetypeA 1553733248.762 1553718850.771 03/27/19 14:34:10 MDT 03/27/19 18:34:08 MDT
2 sourcetypeB 1553733250 1553733250 03/27/19 18:34:10 MDT 03/27/19 18:34:10 MDT
3 sourcetypeC 1553733253 1553733253 03/27/19 18:34:13 MDT 03/27/19 18:34:13 MDT
4 sourcetypeD 1553733250 1553718190.756 03/27/19 14:23:10 MDT 03/27/19 18:34:10 MDT
5 sourcetypeE 1553733250 1553733250 03/27/19 18:34:10 MDT 03/27/19 18:34:10 MDT
As you can see rows 2,3 & 5 are correct. Rows 1 and 4 are not. However all rows have essentially the same epoch time.
Epoch time is always in GMT, so why is it being converted to two different timezones yet also claiming to be MDT.
What gives?
What makes you think the timezones are wrong?
Lines 1 & 4 have an earliest epoch time ~15000 seconds (or about 4.25 hours) earlier than their latest epoch time:
1 sourcetypeA 1553733248.762 1553718850.771 03/27/19 14:34:10 MDT 03/27/19 18:34:08 MDT
4 sourcetypeD 1553733250 1553718190.756 03/27/19 14:23:10 MDT 03/27/19 18:34:10 MDT
Those seem to be perfectly fine to me.
Sidebar - hadn't run into anyone using convert before: I've always used | eval timefield=strftime(epochfield,"<format>")
(and most often use "%c"
as my time formatter)