So my search query gives me the IP addresses pertaining to a user field in the following manner:
index=abc | stats values(src_ip) by username | where username!="xyz" | iplocation values(ipaddress)
But the problem is that if a username has more than 1 IP address associated with it, it is skipped over in iplocation, that is, we have no resolution for IP to location mapping in those instances. For example:
username values(ipaddress) city country
abcxyz 123.456.78.90 amazingcity amazingcountry
xyzabc 122.333.444.56
As you can see, the second user has multiple IP addresses associated with it and so iplocation just skips over it. How can I modify this query so that it resolves IP address for users with multiple IP addresses. Additionally, I would like to sort the results such that the users with the most IP addresses associated with them show up first.
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