I have a search in the form of:
index=mail sourcetype=a_mail | stats count by subject | sort -count
This displays the subject lines of all emails in the past, let's say, 1 week. The subject lines are like:
line 1: aaa bbb ccc ddd
line 2: xxx aaa bbb yyy
line 3: aaa xxx rrr ggg
I wish to count the number of times aaa occurs in all of the displayed subject lines, and the number of times bbb occurs etc. Please note that I'm not specifically looking for any particular word. I just want to count the different words and display them in order of decreasing frequency.
So far I have tried to remove spaces from the subject lines:
index=mail sourcetype=a_mail | stats count by subject | sort -count | rex mode=sed field=subject "s/ //g"
..and substituting the spaces with a delimiter like 'comma' instead. They storing them in 'kv' stores(?) and then counting the repetitions of words, but it's not working since I do not know how to implement kv stores yet. Any ideas are appreciated.
Pardon me for literally...i mean literally translating your example in to actual data 🙂
|gentimes start=-1|eval text="line 1: aaa bbb ccc ddd line 2: xxx aaa bbb yyy line 3: aaa xxx rrr ggg"| eval Counter = lower(replace(text, "\W+", " "))
|makemv Counter
|mvexpand Counter|stats sum(eval(Counter="aaa")) as aaa,sum(eval(Counter="bbb")) as bbb , sum(eval(Counter="ccc")) as ccc
Hope this gives you some ideas. @martin_mueller has answered these type of questions several times...copied one of his answers.
How about something like this?
|gentimes start=-1|eval text="line 1: aaa bbb ccc ddd line 2: xxx aaa bbb yyy line 3: aaa xxx rrr ggg"|makemv text|mvexpand text|eval Counter=mvcount(text)|stats sum(Counter) as Counter by text
I looked at such answers before. However, my problem is I can't hardcode words into my search query such as eval(Counter="aaa"))
because I do not know what words are going to be present and also there are 1000s of words. I need something more dynamic that can discover and then count words on its own.
That's what i thought