I've recently upgraded to Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure 1.1.1 from version 1.0.4. Previously I had no issues with Active Directory data detection or Splunk App for Active Directory(SA-ldapsearch) version 2.0.1 and can still successfully search for queries like '|ldapsearch domain=DOMAIN search="(cn=Administrator)"'). Since the upgrade, when I run through the first-time setup wizard I get the error, "ERROR: Search "sourcetype="MSAD*" | head 5" did not return any events in the last 24 hours" when checking for data being provided by the environment.
I'm then provided with a link named, "Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows Active Directory for Splunk Universal Forwarder" however the link takes me to setup instruction for the Windows Infrastructure App. Since I'm still able to perform ldapsearch queries from the search app I'd assume the Splunk App for Active Directory is working correctly.
Also, when viewing the upgrade instruction(http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/MSApp/1.1.1/MSInfra/UpgradetheSplunkAppforWindowsInfrastructure) you're instructed to download 'Splunk Supporting Add-on for Active Directory version 2.0.2 or later' however version 2.0.1 is the latest version I can currently find for download.
I'd appreciate any insight as I've hit a wall and cannot proceed with the upgraded version of the Windows Infrastructure app.
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