please i need your support as i am creating new dashboard, the number of panel included in this dashboard is depending on the output of search query ( for each unique source there will be single panel)
this dashboard will be refreshed every 5 minutes to view new data
so i need to create a loop to access all sources individually, for each panel i will create new query to show statistics
for example:
1- Main Search:
index=x sourcetype="oracle:db" "search for specific string" | dedup source|table source
output:the output is variable
2- for each source, i need to create panel with some regex
index=xsourcetype="oracle:db" source="source1" earliest=-5m latest=now|rex field=source "(?([-\w]+?))(?(\w+?))(?(\w+))" |timechart span=15m last(NODE) as Node , last(INSTANT) as Instance,last(QUEUE) AS Queue avg(QUEUE_COUNT) as QueueCount
so is there a way to create such dashboard ?
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