I've pie chart with version of product installed v100, v200, v300 and apart from this I have remaining instances which don't have product installed. I want color of Remaining would be same color or fixed color no matter what what count is and version slices change color based on count.
Suppose count of v100 is 200, v200 is 500 and v300 is 150. so highest would be green then blue and red but "remaining" should always be black no matter of count even if count is 250
I'm not able to send screenshots of pie chart
Query that I'm using is
earliest=-24h latest=now index=product | stats count by VER | join [|inputlookup names.csv| search Systems="W"] | stats count(Systems) AS Count by VER| append [inputlookup stations.csv | eval VER=Remaining|search Systems=W | stats count as "Total_stations"|join [inputlookup names.csv | search Systems=W|stats count as "deployed_stations"]| eval Count= Total_stations - deployed_stations| eval VER=if(isnull(VER),"Remaining_Stations",VER) | fields - deployed_stations,Total_stations ] | sort - Count
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