I have configured heavy weight forwarders to get the JMX server data. While forwarding the data to indexers, source field displays the path of those servers. I want to reduce the unwanted strings and override the source field with only server names in it.
I want the source field to extract
source =abcde000001234:1111
I tried to override the field using props and transforms
REGEX =(.*)(:\/\/)(.*)(\/jmxrmi)
FORMAT = source::$3
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Source
REPORT-source = source
However, I am able to extract different field capturing only desired output using inline search.
But I want the source field to display only the host name from where data is coming and remove all irrelevant strings. Is there any way to get it?
In props.conf
, change this:
REPORT-source = source
To this:
TRANSFORMS-source = source
Then deploy to all Heavy Forwarders and restart all Splunk instances on them.
Where did you apply the props.conf and transforms.conf?? Heavy forwarders right??
In props.conf
, change this:
REPORT-source = source
To this:
TRANSFORMS-source = source
Then deploy to all Heavy Forwarders and restart all Splunk instances on them.
It worked on new indexed data. Thanks!!
Already tried replacing Report to transforms and got no success. I want to change the source field in the indexers.
Indexed data is immutable; are you checking new events or old events? Old events cannot be changed. You can delete it, clear the fishbucket and re-forward it, though.
You've a great eye in finding these...:)
I have done everything wrong that it is possible to do wrong; education by scars keeps memory sharp!