Oct 30 06:55:08 Server1 request-default Cert x.x.x.x - John bank_user Viewer_PIP_PIP_env vu01 Appl Test [30/Oct/2023:06:54:51.849 -0400] "GET /web/appWeb/external/index.do HTTP/1.1" 200 431 7 9 8080937 x.x.x.x /junctions 25750 - "OU=00000000+CN=John bank_user Viewer_PIP_PIP_env vu01 Appl Test,OU=st,O=Bank,C=us" bfe9a8e8-7712-11ee-ab2e-0050568906b9 "x509: TLSV12: 30" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.80 Safari/537.36" I have above in the log. I have field extraction (regular expressions) to extract user and in this case "John bank_user Viewer_PIP_PIP_env vu01 Appl Test". The alert did find this user but reported the user name as "john". There are some other users, who have space in the name shows up in alert fine. How do I fix the extraction so entire user name shows up in the alert?
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