Hey there!
I am currently having some trouble in converting a flattened multivalue field back into a real multivalue field.
I know that there are easy ways with multi value field commands. However I need to do this via regex in this specific case.
So the _raw is looking like this
06/23/2019 11:59:32 +0000, lotsofrandomstuff="lotsofrandomstuff",interestingIds="1234 2345 56784", lotsofotherrandomstuff="lotsofotherrandomstuff"
However I just cannot get it to work.
If I just take the field interestingIds and extract it from there its fairly easy and working:
| rex field=_raw max_match=100 "(?<Ids>\d*)\s?"
But as soon as I set the beginning (interestingIds=”) and the end (“), I only ever get one value, either the first or the last. Or of course all in the same format as before, but not as multivalue.
Get the same field:
| rex field=_raw "interestingIds=\"(?<Ids>((\d)|(\s))*)\".*"
Other stuff I tried:
This only takes the first value
| rex field=_raw max_match=100 "interestingIds=((\"|\s)(?\d+)(\"|\s))*.*"
This one only takes the last value (which kind of means that the value is overwritten each time I guess)
| rex field=_raw max_match=100 " interestingIds=\"((?<Ids>\d+)\s?)*\".*"
This one only gives the very last digit:
| rex field=_raw max_match=100 " interestingIds=\"(\d+\s?)*(?<Ids>\d+)(\s?\d+)*\".*"
You can replace the first * with a ? to get the second segment or a {2} to get the third segment, but it’s only one segment then.
So maybe you have an idea on how to make it work.
So my next idea was to not focus on the stuff I want to take away, but to filter out everything else, hoping that the Front and Rear Anchor would work:
| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "^(.*interestingIds=)(\"|(.*\s))(?<Ids>\d+)(\"|(\s.*))(, lotsofotherrandomstuff=.*)$"
| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "^(.*interestingIds=\")(?<Ids>\d+)(\", lotsofotherrandomstuff=.*)$"
Unfortunately both options do not work.
It seems like as soon as you specify any kind of position, it fails.
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