You have to understand the behavior of a multivalue field; the MV field itself is essentially always treated as an array of strings: ["val1", "val2", "val3"] so even in the example you noted where you mvexpand it out, running mvsort on the final product after you condense it again will sort it back to lexographic ordering. Given that, you have to build a solution with lexographic sorting in mind. First, I want to note that the more densely packed you get with nested evals, the more likely it is to break over time as the underlying search core engine may change. I've seen this happen, so better to split it apart into multiple evals than aim to run it all at once, since it allows Splunk to handle memory transition better that way anyways. That said, here's your solution: | makeresults | fields - _time
| eval number_list = split("4,3,2,1,7,2,21,9,12,19,7",",")
| eval number_list_ordered = mvmap( mvsort(mvmap(mvdedup(number_list), len(number_list) . "-" . number_list)), substr(number_list, 3) ) This will work for up to 9 character length values in a MV, and uses TWO cascading mvmap() functions to attach a number representing the length of the given value to the value itself, which makes the lexographic sorting work as we want it to.To illustrate the steps: | makeresults | fields - _time
| eval number_list = split("4,3,2,1,7,2,21,9,12,19,7",",")
| eval number_list_2 = mvdedup(number_list)
| eval number_list_3 = mvmap(number_list_2, len(number_list_2) . "-" . number_list_2)
| eval number_list_4 = mvsort(number_list_3)
| eval number_list_final = mvmap(number_list_4, substr(number_list_4, 3)) Make sure to upvote.
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