Older question - but this still came up as a hit on my search results while trying to help another customer, so this might be useful here. You have to run (or let the splunk agent run and manage) the monitors and scripts responsible for monitoring exchange related logs. To start - I would locally (like to your laptop) download the Add-On, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3225 From there, explore the inputs.conf configurations available in the subdirectories. These define what is to be collected. If you notice, there are a ton of inputs available. These are set to OFF by default. Let's take a look at one of them under \TA-Windows-Exchange-IIS\default\inputs.conf ####Exchange Server Version 2010 - Start####
[monitor://C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging\Ews]
initCrcLength=8192 The monitor stanza is defining the location of the path - so in this case, the files are stored in that file path (...\logging\EWS). The whitelist/allowist statement specifies that all files in that directory ending in .log or .LOG are to be allowed. The 'disabled' statement is currently set to false, as per the default. To get this working, copy this stanza to a /local/inputs.conf directory, change disabled to '=false' and deploy to the machine that is running exchange. You will need a a UF, or Heavy Forwarder or some other way to getting data to splunk indexers. Use a similar process for the many other inputs you have available. Do not turn on all inputs unless you really need them and have done capacity planning as it can be a lot of volume.
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