We have three cases of wildcard renaming preceding an eval command that result in errors (searches below): In Case 1 we observe a silent error whereby a duplicate field (of the same name!) is created with a different value, and in Case 2, we have an overt error in eval ("Expected )"). The solution is to employ quotes, but the rules appear different in each case (see below table). In light of this, how should we be thinking about wildcard/bulk renaming in an "as" clause preceding an eval? The apparent rules are summarized in the following table. The first row is modeled after the relevant elements of the final eval statement in the below searches. The red options do not work as expected (either due to created a duplicate field in Text prefix case, or due to an eval error in the Numeric prefix case). | eval <field> = if( isnotnull(_____), _____,0) Case 1: Text prefix <field> | "<field>" | '<field>' <field> | '<field>' Case 2: Numeric prefix <field> | "<field>" | '<field>' <field> | '<field>' Case 3: Suffix <field> | "<field>" | '<field>' <field> | '<field>' Reproduce Case 1 with this search (generates duplicate field with value 0): index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd earliest=-5m@m latest=@m
| timechart span=1m c as ct, avg(linecount) as lc by sourcetype
| rename ct:* as *_ct
| stats sum(*_ct) as *_txtprefix
| eval splunkd_txtprefix = if(isnotnull(splunkd_txtprefix),splunkd_txtprefix,0) Reproduce Case 2 and Case 3 with this search (generates eval error): index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd earliest=-5m@m latest=@m
| timechart span=1m avg(linecount) as lc_100, max(linecount) as lc_200, sum(linecount) as 100_lc, min(linecount) as 200_lc
| stats sum(lc_*) as *_numprefix, sum(*_lc) as numsuffix_*
| eval 100_numprefix = if(isnotnull(100_numprefix),100_numprefix,0), numsuffix_100 = if(isnotnull(numsuffix_100),numsuffix_100,0) You can resolve the error by replacing the final line with | eval 100_numprefix = if(isnotnull('100_numprefix'),'100_numprefix',0), numsuffix_100 = if(isnotnull(numsuffix_100),numsuffix_100,0)
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