Hi all!
I checked in the forum that someone has already asked similar question.
++++++Copy from another question and answer+++++
For example, if you are trying to move the sourcetype WinEventLog:Application from the main (default) index to the os index, something like this could get you started:
splunk cmd exporttool defaultdb/db_1262807912_1262278800_6 /dev/stdout -csv sourcetype::WinEventLog:Application | splunk cmd importtool os/db_temp /dev/stdin
However, this can only copy the data from one index to another index. If new data keeps coming in, the data still be indexed in the old index. Basically, my situation is as follows:
I installed a Splunk App that allows Splunk users to investigate Apache web traffic. However, the Splunk App has set, by default, to process and search data in apache_^ index. Unfortunately, my Apache web traffic data is in "apache" index. So how can I configure the Splunk to permanently index Apache web traffic data to "apache_^" index instead of "apache" index?
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