I think that my question was misunderstood - or I have asked it not precise enough. We do not have duplicate entries, e.g. for same time and with same values:
1 [Time1] TaskId="1" Measure1="Value1" Measure2="Value2" GlobalContextVariable="xxx" GlobalContextVariable2="vvv" LocalContextVariable="aaa" ....
2 [Time1] TaskId="1" Measure1="Value1" Measure2="Value2" GlobalContextVariable="xxx" GlobalContextVariable2="vvv" LocalContextVariable="aaa" ...
Basically, we are logging (mostly) execution time of critical section of application so it will be:
1 [Time1] TaskId="1" ElapsedTime="100" TaskSender="ClientA" TaskType="TypeA" SectionName="BuildingEnv"
2 [Time1] TaskId="1" ElapsedTime="34" TaskSender="ClientA" TaskType="TypeA" SectionName="CalculatingResults"
3 ....
For each of this kind of logs we have number of distinct value (e.g. SectionName) and number of repeated values in every log entry (e.g. type of task, requestor etc.). What we want to achieve, is to compress the log files so we will have:
1 [Time1] TaskId="1" TaskSender="ClientA" TaskType="TypeA" SectionName="Context" **<-- logging static information for given task only once**
2 [Time1] TaskId="1" ElapsedTime="100" SectionName="BuildingEnv"
3 [Time1] TaskId="1" ElapsedTime="34" SectionName="CalculatingResults"
4 ....
Because Splunk is, obviously, non-sql I am not sure if above is possible without reducing the performance of the queries and if that is even possible?
Kind regards,
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