Splunk Enterprise on Prem 8.2.6 Linux
I understand Dashboard studio, at least on 8.2.6, is very limited in the drilldown area but there must be a way to pass the earliest and latest time from one Dashboard Studio Dashboard to another.
I have my first level dashboard passing the earliest/latest in the URL (I have tried with and without "😞"2022-12-07T18:00:00.000"&latest="2022-12-07T18:05:00.000"
I cannot seem to figure out how to set the global time picker on the dashboard. I this possible?
Up to now, I have been using Classic because I can generate links in my alerts to take staff directly to the data they need to troubleshoot, but so far only in another classic dashboard. I can provide a much better explanation of the problem in Dashboard Studio. How can I pass parms from one and use in another dashboard studio dashboard?
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