I reworked my .conf files and in doing so solved my issue (and a few others) - instead of letting Splunk define my fields and timestamp I am using TIME_PREFIX, REGEX, FIELDS, TRANSFORMS and REPORT to explicitly tell Splunk what to do. Everything works great now and it gives me more flexibility to define/rename new fields via REPORT if the header names ever change or new ones added in the future.
host = XX.XXX.XX.XXX
index = scratch
sourcetype = acton:website:data
Monitoring a directory for all files
Defining host since the host is not included in the source files
Dumping to a test "scratch" index for testing
Defining sourcetype
description = Website data from Act-On
KV_MODE = none
TIME_PREFIX= ^[^\w]?^[^\d]+\,
TIME_FORMAT = %b %d %Y %I:%M %p %Z
TRANSFORMS-t2 = delete_web_headers
REPORT-acton_website_fields = acton_website_fields
Sourcetype as defined in inputs.conf
Description of sourcetype
"KV_MODE = none" is forcing Splunk to not autogenerate fields that might over-ride my defined fields in transforms.conf
no line merging
no binary check
Defining where to find my timestamp that Splunk should used at index time
How far ahead to look for the end of the timestamp from the end of my regex
Defining the time stamp format in my
source file
What time zone my source file was written from
Defining a index time TRANSFORMS that will eliminate the header row from my source file
Defining a search time REPORT that will define the fields to use
REGEX = ^(Name\s\,.*)
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
DELIMS = ","
FIELDS = name,email,response_time,visited_page,ip_address,visitor_company,visitor_locations,referrer,search_engine,search_query,browser,event_name,event_start_date,user_type,first_name,last_name,email_address,registered,attended,duration,title,company,phone,address_1,address_2,city,state,post_code,country,company,job_title,business_phone,currently_use_splunk,company_splunk_use,upcoming_splunk_project,splunk_experience_level,topic,source_campaign,form,campaign,campaign_id,ip_address_2,browser_2,referrer_2,search,geo_company_name,geo_country_code,geo_country,geo_state,geo_city,geo_postal_code,page_url,email_3,description,lead_source,heard_about_gtri,email_4,middle_name,department,business_street,business_city,business_state,business_postal_code,business_country,business_fax,cell_phone,business_website,personal_website,account_name,full_name,mobile_phone,modified_on,ownder,parent_account,website,all_job_functions,linkedin_profile,twitter_profile,facebook_profile,gtri_splunk_services,additional_details,comments,address_id,splunk_experience,splunk_use_case
REGEX that captures the first row in my source file
DEST_KEY tells Splunk to move the first row defined by the REGEX
FORMAT tells Splunk to dump the first row of data into null at index time
This eliminates capturing the first row from my source file
DELIMS tells Splunk what the delimiterwill be when I define my fields
FIELDS are the manually assigned fields that I defined for every row of my source file(s)
This allows me a ton of options in order to normalize the field names atsearch time
I have gone a bit further in indexing other sources and defined individual fields on a row by row basis based on certain attributes of data in that row using multiple REPORTS - helps when groups of rows contain different fields.
Hopefully this helps someone out, hate it when solutions are not posted 😉
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