Surprisingly when we had professional services out initially, this was a long and convoluted search. Ours essentially works like this: A scheduled search writes all ldap assets to a lookup table. Something like this: | localop | ldapsearch domain="default" search="(objectClass=computer)" attrs="sAMAccountName, distinguishedName, dNSHostName, managedBy"
| rex max_match=5 field=distinguishedName "OU=(?<dn_parsed>[^,]+)"
| eval category=lower(replace(mvjoin(dn_parsed, "|"), " ", "_"))
| eval priority=case(
match(category, "domain_controller|exchange|citrix"), "critical",
match(category, "server|disabled"), "high",
match(category, "workstation|desktop|mobile|laptop"), "medium",
match(category, "staging|test"), "low",
1==1, "unknown"
| eval is_expected=if(priority=="high" OR priority=="critical", "true", "false")
| eval nt_host=replace(sAMAccountName, "\$", "")
| rename dNSHostName AS dns managedBy AS owner
| eval val2lookup = coalesce(dns, nt_host)
| lookup dnslookup clienthost as val2lookup output clientip as ip
| fillnull value="unknown" category, priority, bunit
| table ip,mac,nt_host,dns,owner,priority,lat,long,city,country,bunit,category,pci_domain,is_expected,should_timesync,should_update,requires_av
| dedup nt_host
| outputlookup ldap_assets Another search then looks for all hosts in splunk and compares it to the lookup table above. | tstats count where index=* OR index=_* NOT host= by host index | eval host=lower(host)
| eval host=lower(case(match(host,"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}"),host,match(host,"mydomain\.com$"),host,1==1,host.""))
| append [ | inputlookup ldap_assets | makemv delim="|" category | search category=servers | mvexpand category | eval dns=lower(case(dns=="localhost.localdomain",nt_host."",1==1,dns))
| lookup dnslookup clientip as ip outputnew clienthost as dns
| stats count by dns
| fields - count
| rename dns as host]
| eval in_host_list=if(isnull(count),true(),null()),in_splunk=if(isnotnull(count),true(),null())
| append [|inputlookup manual_host_list.csv | fields host | eval in_host_list="True"]
| stats values(*) as * by host
| where isnull(in_host_list) OR isnull(in_splunk)
| search in_host_list=true
| eval splunk_data="No Data"
| table host splunk_data To me this is a pretty nasty solution to something that should be relatively simple. I've honestly never spent the time to try and fully understand these searches. They work for us, and they're a mess so i'll leave it be.
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