The /services/pdfgen/render/ endpoint takes a view [as answered here:], but luckily also a input-dashboard-xml input, which accepts xml-dashboards - as long as all tokens/variables are resolved (!).
To generate a ton of different reports based on the same view/dashboard but different search parameters I wrote a python script.
Using this script all you have to do is
- save the dasboard code as .xml-file
- figure out for which report you want to replace which tokens and have a list of those tokens for every report.
- hand over a JSON List with tokens and their respective values
{"tokenlist":[{'token':'$example$' 'value':'value for individual search'}, {'token':'$example2$' 'value':'searchstring'}]
- run the script which will send the compatible dashboard code to the API and download the resulting pdf report
So my generateReport(tokenlist) function looks like this:
(Disclaimer: this is simplified to get the concept across- I stripped error detection for invalid reports, logging, metadata creation and the like - which is crucial if you plan on automatically mailing those reports)
# import requests
with open('dashboardFile.xml','rb') as XMLfile:
XMLDashboard'\n', '')
XMLDashboard = XMLDashboard.replace('<', '%26lt%3B') # otherwise the API will complain
# Replace all tokens in the XMLCode
for t in tokenlist:
XMLDashboard = XMLDashboard.replace(t['token'], t['value'])
# Send XML code to endpoint, answer should be a pdf file
r = requests.get('https://splunkhost:8089/services/pdfgen/render', auth=(splunkuser, splunkpass), params={'input-dashboard-xml':XMLDashboard,'paper-size':'a4-landscape'})
if r.status_code == 200:
with open('report_file.pdf', 'wb') as pdffile:
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