It still not working for . i have this sample log entry where boot-time for each machine in ENV are reported
I have 2016-05,ENV,R1,W,05/25/16 21:00:00.000,05/26/16 02:00:00.000,05/25/16 23:09:00.000,05/26/16 05:12:00.000,183
Where my "Scheduled End Time" : 05/26/16 02:00:00.000
"Actual End Time" : 05/26/18 05:12:00.000
I wanted the difference in minutes between Actual End Time and Scheduled End time. (192 minutes)
I have tried this approach
{search}|eval ac_end='Actual End Time'|convert mktime(ac_end) as ac_time timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
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