Thanks a lot for your reply Yuanliu. When I tried to run the below code I get very skwed result. Session ID, and Time columns gets populated. For Exception, all exception for that "day" shows up in in row itself (Since I am running a day's worth of report) whether its related to "confirmationNumber=ND_*" or not. Rest of the three fieds are empty. index="myindex" ("/app1/service/site/upload failed" AND "source=Web" AND "confirmationNumber=ND_*")
OR ("Exception from executeScript")
| rex "\bname=(?<name>[^,]+)"
```| rex "clmNumber=(?<ClaimNumber>[^,]+)"
| rex "confirmationNumber=(?<SubmissionNumber>[^},]+)"
| rex "contentType=(?<ContentType>[^},]+)" ```
| rex "(?<SessionID>\[http-nio-8080-exec-\d+\])"
| rex "Exception from executeScript: (?<Exception>[^:]+)"
| fields clmNumber confirmationNumber name Exception SessionID
| stats min(_time) as _time values(*) as * by SessionID Secondly, I have data that might have same sessionID but different dataset, I am not able to see _time for the second transaction for same sessionID. Here is the sample data - | makeresults
| eval data = split("2024-02-15 09:07:47,770 INFO [com.mysite.core.app1.upload.FileUploadWebScript] [http-nio-8080-exec-202] The Upload Service /app1/service/citizens/upload failed in 0.124000 seconds, {comments=xxx-123, senderCompany=Company1, source=Web, title=Submitted via Site website, submitterType=Others, senderName=ROMAN , confirmationNumber=ND_50249-02152024, clmNumber=99900468430, name=ROAMN Claim # 99900468430 Invoice.pdf, contentType=Email}
2024-02-15 09:07:47,772 ERROR [org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntime] [http-nio-8080-exec-202] Exception from executeScript: 0115100898 Duplicate Child Exception - ROAMN Claim # 99900468430 Invoice.pdf already exists in the location.
2024-02-15 09:10:47,770 INFO [com.mysite.core.app1.upload.FileUploadWebScript] [http-nio-8080-exec-202] The Upload Service /app1/service/citizens/upload failed in 0.124000 seconds, {comments=xxx-123, senderCompany=Company1, source=Web, title=Submitted via Site website, submitterType=Others, senderName=Bob , confirmationNumber=ND_55555-02152024, clmNumber=99900468999, name=Bob Claim # 99900468999 Invoice.pdf, contentType=Email}
2024-02-15 09:10:48,772 ERROR [org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntime] [http-nio-8080-exec-202] Exception from executeScript: 0115101000 Document not found - Bob Claim # 99900468999 Invoice.pdf already exists in the location.
2024-02-15 09:41:16,762 INFO [com.mysite.core.app1.upload.FileUploadWebScript] [http-nio-8080-exec-200] The Upload Service /app1/service/citizens/upload failed in 0.138000 seconds, {comments=yyy-789, senderCompany=Company2, source=Web, title=Submitted via Site website, submitterType=Public Adjuster, senderName=Tristian, confirmationNumber=ND_52233-02152024, clmNumber=99900470018, name=Tristian CLAIM #99900470018 PACKAGE.pdf, contentType=Email}
2024-02-15 09:41:16,764 ERROR [org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntime] [http-nio-8080-exec-200] Exception from executeScript: 0115100953 Document not found - Tristian CLAIM #99900470018 PACKAGE.pdf", "
") and here is the result - SessionID _time Exception clmNumber confirmationNumber name [http-nio-8080-exec-200] 2024-02-15 09:41:16.762 0115100953 Document not found - Tristian CLAIM #99900470018 PACKAGE.pdf 99900470018 ND_52233-02152024 Tristian CLAIM #99900470018 PACKAGE.pdf [http-nio-8080-exec-202] 2024-02-15 09:07:47.769 0115100898 Duplicate Child Exception - ROAMN Claim # 99900468430 Invoice.pdf already exists in the location. 0115101000 Document not found - Bob Claim # 99900468999 Invoice.pdf already exists in the location. 99900468430 99900468999 ND_50249-02152024 ND_55555-02152024 Bob Claim # 99900468999 Invoice.pdf ROAMN Claim # 99900468430 Invoice.pdf How can we fix the first query so that it provides data for all columns correctly? Thanks in advance for your time!
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