I have the log messages in the following structure, the one shown represents a heardbeat from the application.
How can I parse the ProcessMemory(KB) value?
Is it best to change the log message structure so all values use an equals '=' as a seperator?
TimeStamp=2013-07-04 13:48:45.733 +01:00 | UserInterface | Level=Info | Spec=UserInterface | Level=Debug | Spec=Heartbeat | Attributes=Status:Running, Utilisation(%):2, AvailableMemory(KB):10076160, ProcessUtilisation(%):0, ProcessMemory(KB):194668, ProcessPeakMemory(KB):194732, ProcessorCount:12 | Type=Heartbeat | SessionId=8d26ee12-f40f-471d-bea4-5836fce72362 | ThreadName=61 | Status=Instant
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