Something about this search makes it so we absolutely never get into the case that would label the column "msad". I have tried switching everything up: Making the zscaler case first, changing the msad case so that it just needs to meet the condition =* and every other tweak of syntax and values.
As an FYI, I have tried searching the default search separately and get events that meet both of the criteria mentioned in the case statement.
(index=zscaler) OR (index=msad) query=*debug*opendns*
| eval field=case(index="msad" AND query="*debug*","msad",index="zscaler" AND query="","Zscaler", true(),"undefined")
| timechart span=1h count by field
In this situation, it defaults to the undefined, which technically is all the events that I want labeled as msad and could change that to get desired results, but I'm posting this question because I am trying to understand the functionality of this command more then finding a workaround.
To me, it's very frustrating that the case statement will work with the zscaler events, but not with msad no matter how I change the case statement. I would really appreciate someone explaining the disconnect I am experiencing.
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