The date I'm trying to index is in a field inside of each row within a log, and looks like this:
Time Field
ago 31,2015 02:01:18 PM
"ago" is for agosto (August in English). In other words "ago" is the litmonth for august in Spanish language.
Every time I'm trying to index a litmonth that is different from English language, it doesn't catch them.
I tried to configure the datetime.xml like this:
<define name="_litmonth2" extract="litmonth">
<define name="_otherdate" extract="litmonth, ignored_sep, day, zone, ignored_sep2, year">
<use name="_litmonth2"/>
<text><![CDATA[([/\- ]) {0,2}]]></text>
<use name="_day"/>
<text><![CDATA[(?!:) {0,2}(?:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(?:[\.\,]\d+)? {0,2}]]></text>
<use name="_zone"/>
<text><![CDATA[)?((?:\2|,) {0,2}]]></text>
<use name="_year"/>
<use name="_time"/>
<use name="_hmtime"/>
<use name="_hmtime"/>
<use name="_dottime"/>
<use name="_combdatetime"/>
<use name="_utcepoch"/>
<use name="_combdatetime2"/>
<use name="_otherdate"/>
This actually catch the litmonth ago in the indexing time like the month number 8:
But when is indexed, then it shows this:
As you can see, it not the same date than before.
¿Any clues?
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