Hey guys, I'm having this syntax here and the incoming data is m/s and i need to convert it to km/h. How can i do it? Below is the syntax.
"MaxSpeed" min(SPEED) as "Min Speed" max(rfid) as rfid by username tripno Sequence | rename username as "Vehicle License No"| eval dur=Stop-Start | where dur>(60) | streamstats count as No | eval "Start Date"=strftime(Start, "%m/%d/%Y") | eval "Start Time"=strftime(Start, "%H:%M:%S") | eval "Stop Date"=strftime(Stop, "%m/%d/%Y") | eval "Stop Time"=strftime(Stop, "%H:%M:%S") | eval "Total Time"=tostring(dur, "duration") | eval "Max Speed"=tostring(round(MaxSpeed, 2)
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